All services provided in our store and , registered at TWL Euro Teknik Kaplama .Şti. is owned and operated by our company.
Our company may collect personal data for various purposes. Below, it is stated how and in what way the collected personal data is collected, how and in what way this data is protected.
Some personal information (such as name-surname, company information, telephone, address or e-mail addresses) of the members (such as name-surname, company information, telephone, address or e-mail addresses) is collected by our Store due to the nature of the business by filling out various forms and questionnaires on our Store.
Our company may send campaign information, information about new products, promotional offers to its customers and members in some periods. Our members can make all kinds of choices about whether or not to receive such information while becoming a member, then after logging in, this selection can be changed in the account information section or notified via the link in the notification message received.
Mağazamızüzerinden veya eposta ile gerçekleştirilen onay sürecinde, üyelerimiz tarafından mağazamıza elektronik ortamdan iletilen kişisel bilgiler, Üyelerimiz ile yaptığımız “Kullanıcı Sözleşmesi” ile belirlenen amaçlar ve kapsam dışında üçüncü kişilere açıklanmayacaktır.
In order to identify problems with the system and to quickly resolve problems or disputes that may arise regarding the service provided, Our company records and uses the IP address of its members. IP addresses may also be used to identify users in a general way and to collect comprehensive demographic information.
Firmamız, Üyelik Sözleşmesi ile belirlenen amaçlar ve kapsam dışında da, talep edilen bilgileri kendisi veya işbirliği içinde olduğu kişiler tarafından doğrudan pazarlama yapmak amacıyla kullanabilir. Kişisel bilgiler, gerektiğinde kullanıcıyla temas kurmak için de kullanılabilir. Firmamıztarafından talep edilen bilgiler veya kullanıcı tarafından sağlanan bilgiler veyaMağazamızüzerinden yapılan işlemlerle ilgili bilgiler; Firmamızve işbirliği içinde olduğu kişiler tarafından, “Üyelik Sözleşmesi” ile belirlenen amaçlar ve kapsam dışında da, üyelerimizin kimliği ifşa edilmeden çeşitli istatistiksel değerlendirmeler, veri tabanı oluşturma ve pazar araştırmalarında kullanılabilir.
Our company undertakes to keep confidential information strictly private and confidential, to consider it as a confidentiality obligation, and to take all necessary measures and due diligence to ensure and maintain confidentiality, to prevent all or any part of the confidential information from entering the public domain or unauthorized use or disclosure to a third party.
Our company prioritizes the security of credit card holders who shop on our shopping sites. Your credit card information is not stored in our system in any way.
When you enter the transaction process, there are two things to look out for to know that you are on a secure site. One is a key or lock icon on the bottom line of your browser. This indicates that you are on a secure website and all your information is encrypted and protected. This information is only used in connection with the sales transaction process and in accordance with your instructions. Information about the credit card used during shopping is encrypted with 128 bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol independently of our shopping sites and sent to the relevant bank for questioning. If the usability of the card is approved, the shopping is continued. Since no information about the card can be viewed and recorded by us, third parties are prevented from obtaining this information under any circumstances.
Online olarak kredi kartı ile verilen siparişlerin ödeme/fatura/teslimat adresi bilgilerinin güvenilirliği firmamiz tarafından Kredi Kartları Dolandırıcılığı’na karşı denetlenmektedir. Bu yüzden, alışveriş sitelerimizden ilk defa sipariş veren müşterilerin siparişlerinin tedarik ve teslimat aşamasına gelebilmesi için öncelikle finansal ve adres/telefon bilgilerinin doğruluğunun onaylanması gereklidir. Bu bilgilerin kontrolü için gerekirse kredi kartı sahibi müşteri ile veya ilgili banka ile irtibata geçilmektedir.
Only you can access and change all the information you provide when you become a member. If you keep your login information secure, it is not possible for others to access and change information about you. For this purpose, during the membership process 128 bit SSLsecurity domain. This system is an international encryption standard that cannot be broken.
A company with an information hotline or customer care service and open address and telephone informationInternet shopping sites are more preferred today. In this way, you can get detailed information about all the issues you have in mind, and you can get healthier information about the reliability of the company that provides online shopping services.
NoteWe recommend that you pay attention to the open address and telephone number of the company on internet shopping sites. If you are going to shop, write down all the phone / address information of the store where you buy the product before you shop. If you do not trust it, confirm it by phone before shopping. All information about our company and the location of the company are indicated on all our online shopping sites.
Your identity and credit card information that you will send to us by credit card mail-order method will be kept by our company according to the principle of confidentiality. This information is kept for 60 days against possible bank and credit card withdrawal objections and then destroyed. In the event that any amount other than the cost of the mail-order form approved by you, which you will send us in return for the price of the products you order, is withdrawn from your card, you can naturally object to the bank and this amount does not pose a risk because you can prevent the payment of this amount.
Our store may link to other sites within the website. Our company does not bear any responsibility for the privacy practices and content of the sites accessed through these links. The advertisements published on the site of our company are distributed to our users through our advertising business partners. The Privacy Policy Principles in this agreement relate only to the use of our Store and do not cover third party websites.
Aşağıda belirtilen sınırlı hallerde Firmamız, işbu “Gizlilik Politikası” hükümleri dışında kullanıcılara ait bilgileri üçüncü kişilere açıklayabilir. Bu durumlar sınırlı sayıda olmak üzere;
- To comply with the obligations imposed by the rules of law in force and issued by the competent legal authority such as Law, Decree Law, Regulation, etc;
- Mağazamızınkullanıcılarla akdettiği “Üyelik Sözleşmesi”‘nin ve diğer sözleşmelerin gereklerini yerine getirmek ve bunları uygulamaya koymak amacıyla;
- Requesting information about users for the purpose of conducting a duly conducted investigation or inquiry by the competent administrative or judicial authority;
- These are cases where it is necessary to provide information to protect the rights or safety of users.
Never include your credit card number or passwords in any e-mails you send to our store's Customer Service regarding any of your orders. The information contained in the e-mails can be seen by third parties. Our company cannot guarantee the security of the information transferred from your e-mails under any circumstances.
Firmamız, mağazamızı ziyaret eden kullanıcılar ve kullanıcıların web sitesini kullanımı hakkındaki bilgileri teknik bir iletişim dosyası (Çerez-Cookie) kullanarak elde edebilir. Bahsi geçen teknik iletişim dosyaları, ana bellekte saklanmak üzere bir internet sitesinin kullanıcının tarayıcısına (browser) gönderdiği küçük metin dosyalarıdır. Teknik iletişim dosyası site hakkında durum ve tercihleri saklayarak İnternet’in kullanımını kolaylaştırır.
The technical communication file helps to obtain statistical information about how many people visit the site, for what purpose, how many times a person visits the site and how long they stay on the site, and to dynamically generate advertising and content from user pages specially designed for users. The technical communication file is not designed to retrieve data or any other personal information in main memory or from your e-mail. Most browsers are initially designed to accept the technical communication file, but users can change the settings so that the technical communication file is not received or a warning is given when the technical communication file is sent.
Firmamız, işbu “Gizlilik Politikası” hükümlerini dilediği zaman sitede yayınlamak veya kullanıcılara elektronik posta göndermek veya sitesinde yayınlamak suretiyle değiştirebilir. Gizlilik Politikası hükümleri değiştiği takdirde, yayınlandığı tarihte yürürlük kazanır.
For any questions and suggestions regarding our privacy policy ………………..You can send an e-mail to the address. You can reach from the following contact information of our company.
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Address :
Email :